echoes and the in between

“In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between them, there are doors.”

 — William Blake

Hellllloooooo Practitioners,

I’m in between…

One life and the next.
One house and another.
A foundational identity and a fresh identity.

Why? Well… I’m getting married in a few short weeks.

As of yesterday, the place I’ve called home is an empty shell. Everything echoes. Footsteps thud. Setting down a coffee cup rings.

It’s like I’m walking in mid-air between two edges of a cliff. One side has been left behind but I’m yet to arrive on the other.

This is liminal space.

And in this space, practice is the thin, tensile, tightrope under my feet. A support, a clear cut path, a tether to the ground of being. Without the anchor of practice, this journey between worlds would feel less like metamorphosis and more like a hot mess.

The in-between is a pre-requisite for transformation. That’s why we go on retreat. To convene outside of daily life, inhabit liminal space, and generate the potential for lasting change.

The next opportunity to leap is September 28-October 1 at Green Rock Retreat. In this other-worldly location we will stretch out liminal space. In the body, you’ll work on connective tissue. You’ll learn about the warp and weft making you a living web. With the breath, you’ll hover in the pause between inhale and exhale. You'll discover the exhale has a gravitational pull on awareness. For being, there will be invigorating morning meditation practices and an adventure or three.

This will be a retreat to remember. If you’re on the fence, I encourage you to jump in - wholeheartedly. With an emerging family life, I don’t know when the next one will be. Let’s see what liminal space can bring.

May your practice provide your path, 



when asana is no longer enough


meditation made obvious