A school for body, breath, & being.

Here you learn to listen to your body, develop inner knowing, and fall in love with practice.

20 Minute Miracles

Consistently Powerful Practice

The 20-Minute Miracles App makes practice easier to access. Because the key to progress is consistency. With consistency, you gain clarity. Clarity brings precision and precision has Power.

Imagine having practices in your back pocket… that your favorite class was a click away… that you knew exactly what to do, when, and why… start buiding your consistently powerful practice today. Download here.

Create Calm

Vagus Nerve Mini-Course

So much talk about the Vagus Nerve and Nervous System! But what do you do with the information?!?


In this mini-course, there is a tutorial to learn about the Vagus Nerve. A 20 Minute Miracle for Vagus Nerve Release. And a breathing meditation to create calm.

Get the course with the Intro Membership.

Breathe Better Challenge

Included in the Intro Membership

Your breath is the baseline for your whole body and being. From your digestion to your nervous system. Contributing to your core and your sense of connection.

In this mini-course, you have (3) tutorials to learn about breathing. Then (3) 20 Minute Miracles to apply what you’re learning.

This course is part of the (free!) Intro Membership in the App. Get the Breathe Better Challenge.

We are a school. Not a studio.

We focus on education and awareness. Yes, you still move and breathe and practice too. But the vision is bigger than that. Our courses create transformation. A transition from doing to learning to BEING.

"I am an educator, 
rather than an instructor."

– Alison

For over 20 years I’ve been exploring body, breath and being. First, for my own healing. Then walking with students, clients, and great company.

Yoga was my first love on this path. I was initially certified in Anusara. Since then I’ve studied Astanga, SATYA and Shadow Yoga. I’ve been trained in Jyotisha, Hindu mythology, and Yoga philosophy.

But I couldn’t stop there… deeper truths were calling. During the last decade, I’ve studied Rolfing, Anatomy Trains, Feldenkrais, and Somatics. Polyvagal Theory, Neuroscience, Pyschology and Spiritual Formation theory.

The school is a reflection of this depth and diversity of study. The teachings are Spirit-led and science-backed. Come. Explore aliveness with us.

Kanda Yoga School
